Melton Town Centre Wayfinding

Client: Melton City Council
Location: Melton
Scope: Wayfinding strategy, design and documentation
Year: 2015
Team: HeineJones team in collaboration with Outlines Landscape Architecture team

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As part of the redevelopment of the Melton Town Centre, HeineJones (wayfinding specialist consultant) in conjunction with Outlines Architecture (principle consultant) developed a wayfinding signage strategy, design solution and tender ready documentation.

To develop a wayfinding solution which seamlessly integrated into the furniture and landscaping design for the town centre. To design a town centre solution which enabled application to an extended suite of cohesive sign designs creating a holistic suite beyond the town centre.

In the town centre wayfinding was integrated into in situ concrete seating structures. The solution shifted the form of the seating from functional to sculptural, adding a strong design element to the landscape. Potential issues such as skate damage and climbing damage were considered and mitigated through simple design solutions and materiality. The extended sign suite was informed by the town centre solution ensuring a cohesive and consistent communication and design. A detailed documentation package appropriate for fabrication and installation was developed and handed to the City of Melton.

A design solution and tender package which has allowed Melton City Council to tender the wayfinding for its immediate priority – the town centre – and also allowed for future extension of the system into other areas of Melton. The HeineJones documentation and specification for this project dovetailed into the landscaping documentation created by Outlines Landscape Architecture – ensuring a seamless and simple tender process for the entire town centre project. The Melton Town Centre was opened to the public late in 2016. Feedback as to the design and effectiveness of the wayfinding has been excellent.

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